Romans 8:38-39; an introduction

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (NASB)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

interlude i: an update

Thank you all for your prayers and support, they mean a good deal to me as I progress. The next thing I want to discuss hasn't fully matured in my mind yet, so I thought I'd drop this note to let you all know a bit of what has happened in the last week. It's been spring break here - I've been resting and thinking; more on that in the next post. School is starting up again tomorrow, and I'm thankful for it. On that note, please pray for me on Wed. at 3. I've got an important meeting that I need wisdom and courage for. Again, more on that later.

Right now, I'm just reflecting on all that has been given to me. I went to Apex Community Church last night, and it was quite a blessing. I'm hoping to go as long as I'm in Ohio. Near the end we sang "How He Loves Us." While I've heard this song several times in the past year, never has it been as real to me as it is now. Tonight, as I walked barefoot around the campus, the rain softly poured on me. I couldn't help but sing this song and think about the words as the damp cement passed beneath my feet. In those moments, I found myself in a freedom and peace that I'm not completely used to. I hope I never am.

I hope that I haven't loved this home too much; it's just a place. But it's the place where I found myself, where I found brothers and sisters, where I found God. I'm not sure where my place of habitation will be after this week, but I know that what will happen will happen. For now, I remain a student and a follower of Christ.

May you all find God's peace in some unforeseen way this week.

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